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General Navigation

The menu bar down the left-hand side is your main navigation tool to get you moving between dashboards, managing the settings and asking for help. You should have the following menu items:

  • Summary - presents an outlook of the key risks and up-to-date information on active alerts (if you have the DigiTARP)

  • Dust Risk - Dust Risk dashboard (forecast outlook of conditions conducive to wind-blown dust)

  • Noise Risk - Noise Risk dashboard (forecast outlook of conditions conducive to propagation of noise)

  • Odour Risk - Odour Risk dashboard (forecast outlook of conditions conducive to odour complaints)

  • Rain Risk - Rain risk dashboard (forecast outlook for rain and storms)

  • Thunderstorm - Live Radar, Weather Warnings and BOM station observations

  • System Settings - Where to go to see your sites on a map, adjust any global settings, view your site-specific alert settings (with trigger levels) and manage users and notifications

  • Data Management - Download historical data or view it online

  • Help & Resources - Access to help files, videos and documents

  • Contact us - Send us an email

  • Sign out - Log out of the system

On the Risk Dashboards, you can see more data cards by clicking on the arrows at the far left (shows cards for past days) and right (shows forecast cards up to seven days ahead). More data can also be viewed in the detailed Table by using the arrows or the scroll bar located at the bottom of the table.


Anywhere you see a “?” click on it to see more information. There is access to the help and resources page on the main menu but you can also click on the “?” icon located at the bottom right-hand corner of any page. You can simply ask a question or type in a word and it will provide a list of where to find more information.

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