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Thunderstorm Dashboard

The Thunderstorm Dashboard provides real-time updates of a storm situation.

Thunderstorm Dashboard Features

·       Real-time lightning strikes (cloud to cloud and cloud to ground) and alert status

·       Rain radar

·       Real-time wind gust observations 

·       Live updates of rainfall since 9 am and last 24 hours at BOM AWS

·       Live updates of river conditions (flood level, river heights) at BOM gauge sites

·       Notification of weather warnings for your area

·       Severe weather warnings (BOM)

·       Thunderstorm warnings and tracks (BOM)

·       Flood watches and warnings

The box located on the right-hand side of the screen allows the user to select the variables to view on the map (by clicking the check box). The key for each variable is visible by hovering over the question mark.


Map overlay variables

Lightning Service

To view live lightning on the dashboard make sure the live lightning is connected (see example below)


Live Lightning Connected

The lighting alert service will provide email and SMS warnings when the lighting is detected within a specified distance from your facility location. The number of lightning strikes recorded within each alert ring for the last hour is displayed on the left-hand side of the window.


Lightning strike count

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