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Getting started - what do I need to do?

Welcome to Kite Feedlot Edition! If you have just logged in for the first time here are a few pointers as to what you need to do and how we can help you.

Firstly it is a good idea to understand the general navigation of the site. It’s also a good idea to have a look at some of the other help pages.

Now that you know where to find everything here is a list of things we think you should do to get yourself set up:

  1. Make sure your location is correct. We recommend that you check that your feedlot location is actually in the correct location on the map. Although we have checked this some co-ordinates provided were not very clear. Go to the Sites Tab on the Settings Page and take a look. If you find that it is incorrect please contact us (email and provide the correct coordinates.

  2. Add the Abattoirs and Processing Plants you use. This will allow you to monitor the forecast heat risk for these locations. See instructions here.

  3. Add your local vet or nutritionist. If you want your vet or nutritionist to be able to see the forecast for your feedlot you will need to add them to your site. See instructions here.

  4. Set your Monitored AHLU Risk Level. If you are the Admin user for your site (note you are the Admin by default if you registered the feedlot), you will be responsible for setting the Monitored AHLU Risk Level for your site. Follow the instructions here on how to set it up.

  5. Set your alerts. You will automatically receive the morning toolbox report on signup, but if you would like an SMS when the forecast exceeds 50 units for the AHLU level you are monitoring, then here is how to set it up.

  6. Invite the rest of your team. Now you have things setup you can invite the rest of your team to join the service. It is best to add them as users, rather than Admin. See instructions on how to add users here.

Keep an eye out for new information via email and invitations to training sessions!

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