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How to manage your alerts/reports

Managing your own alerts

Your alerts can be managed on the Alerts tab accessed via Settings on the menu (see example screenshot below). Make sure to select the site you wish to change from the top right drop-down list before making any changes.

The screenshot below shows a green tick button under the subscribe for the Toolbox report and Forecast AHLU alert for the Amberly BOM AWS site.


Alerts Setting Tab

Toolbox and Winter Reports

Toolbox reports are issued every day and arrive in your inbox at either 5 a.m. (for a Standard Subscription) or at one or more specified times for the Premium Subscription. This can be selected via the drop-down box under Delivery Time(s). If you wish to turn off the toolbox report emails uncheck the Subscribe button and press SAVE.

Note that all times are local time.

Forecast AHLU Alert

If you wish to receive an SMS when your Monitored Risk Level is predicted to exceed 50 units anytime in the next seven days, check the Subscribe button, and press SAVE. You will receive an SMS with a link to the AHLU outlook summary table (as presented in the toolbox report). Note if this is not enabled you may not have a mobile number listed with your user information. Go to the users tab and add your mobile phone.

Heatwave Alert

If you wish to receive an SMS when a Heatwave (moderate or higher) is predicted in the next seven days, check the Subscribe button, and press SAVE. Note if this is not enabled you may not have a mobile number listed with your user information. Go to the users tab and add your mobile phone.

Observed AHLU Alert

This option is only available for Premium subscriptions with a weather station uploading to Kite. Kite will send you an SMS when your weather station records an AHLU greater than 50 units (for your Monitored risk Level). Note this alert will only be issued once a day. Once the alert is triggered (after 6 a.m.) and the SMS is sent the AHLU may still be above 50 for the following hour but an alert will not be sent again that day.

Observed Rapid HLI Alert

This option is only available for Premium subscriptions with a weather station uploading to Kite. Kite will send you an SMS when your weather station records a rapid change in the HLI. There are three levels of risk as defined below:

Moderate Rapid HLI event: Change in HLI of greater than 40 units in 4 hours (or less) 

High Rapid HLI event: Change in HLI of greater than 40 units in 4 hours (or less) & HLI reaches 90 to 100

Extreme Rapid HLI event: Change in HLI of greater than 40 units in 4 hours (or less) & HLI reaches over 100

If you are an Admin user you can also manage how other users on your site receive notifications (reports and alerts). See help here.

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