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How can I use Kite to Manage Heat Stress Risk on my site?

Step 1 – Assess who is at risk using Kite’s Thermal Risk assessment

Kite’s Thermal Risk Assessment will take you through a step-by-step process of all the factors that influence the risk of a heat event for a Similar Exposure Group (SEG). From this you will be able to:

  • Identify high-risk SEGs for monitoring or additional controls

  • Identify SEGs whose risk changes with environmental conditions

Step 2 – Be proactive and assess future risks

Kite’s Heat risk dashboards will identify conditions at your site that have a higher risk of potential heat illness. This is done via the:

  • Forecasts of heat risk for the next 7 days

  • Risk incorporates temperature, humidity and wind speed

  • Daily heatwave (temperature and humidity) outlook for atypical condition

  • Risk for the entire site workforce (Based on apparent temperature) or, for SEGs identified in Step 1 whose risk changes with the environmental conditions, review the forecast risk for each SEG

Step 3 - Keep your teams informed

Finally, you can keep your teams informed with different levels of communication regarding the likelihood of a heat illness. The forms of communication are flexible to ensure the right message is communicated in the right way to meet your site requirements. Options include:

  • Customised messaging for different groups or levels of management

  • Prestart Toolbox reports (via email) either daily or before each shift

  • Customised messaging to convey risk as well as potential controls (e.g as per your site TARP)

  • SMS alerts when your triggers are met

  • QR code for contractors to see your site heat risk outlook

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