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Kite Mobile App - Apple Store

The Kite Mobile App is only available to subscribers (including paid subscribers, vets and nutritionists added by feedlots according to their subscription level, and users during their trial period). That is why it's not listed on the App Store for anyone to download it. You must follow the link below to proceed with the download.

iOS Users

  1. On your iPhone, click on this link or scan the QR code below. It will open the App Store store screen for the Kite Feedlot Mobile App.

  1. Click on Get. You’ll see a pop up screen asking if you want to download the Kite Feedlot app from Weather Intelligence. Click on Install.

  1. You may be prompted to type your Apple password to download it. It will take approximately 1 or 2 minutes for the app to be installed.

  2. Select Open.

  3. As the app opens, you will be prompted to enter your Kite username and password. They are the same ones that you use to access the Kite Website. If you have verified your email address previously, you can use your email address in the Username field. 

  • Note: you may reset your password by clicking on Forgot Password. A code will be sent to your email address. Keep that password in mind because you will need to use that one when you log in to the Kite Website. 

  • For security reasons, you will be prompted to login with your email address and password weekly.

  1. You now have access to the Kite Feedlot Mobile App.


  1. Head into Cattle Heat Risk to see your Heat Risk cards. 

    • The default card displayed is either the Latest Observed card (for those who have a weather station connected to Kite Feedlot) or the Today Card. You may swipe the card right or left to have a look at the forecast for the future days or past days' observations.

  • You can also select Graph to view the data as a graph.


  • Observations are only available for users who have weather stations integrated into Kite. You will also have a Latest Observed card that updates every time you send us new data (which is hourly for most sites).

  • Note that your Monitored Risk level is the same as the Web Platform and will define the colour of the cards.

  • Users who have access to more than one feedlot within the same organisation are able to select the feedlot from the dropdown menu at the top of the screen. 

  • Users who have access to more than one feedlot from different organisations (Vets and nutritionists, for example), need to head to Settings and select the appropriate organisation from the dropdown menu.

  1. Use the left arrow at the top of the screen to return to the app main page. 

  1. The Rain Dashboard’s view is also based on the Kite Website cards.

    • Note that you will not have access to previous days on the Rain Dashboard as this dashboard is used for forecast purposes only.

Example Rain Dashboard App.png

  1. Head to Settings if you would like to:

  • personalise the app’s theme and colour scheme,

  • view information recorded on your profile,

  • a shortcut to contact us via phone or email, 

  • Kite’s Terms and Conditions, and 

  • your version of the app.


  • Tip: you may choose to use the app in Dark Mode within Settings. This option is preferred by many mobile users as it’s said to reduce eye strain and cut glare.

  • Also note that the cards’ risk colours still work on Dark Mode. Black cards showing extreme risks are less discernible on Dark Mode given the lack of contrast.

  • Note: you will not be able to edit your phone number or email address on the app. Contact us if you need any of these changed at

  • You can share a problem or leave a suggestion by selecting the Feedback button.


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