Winter Report
The winter-specific report (shown below) is available to help you manage cold stress, rain and dust.

We have compiled a selection of weather forecasts that we think will be useful for you over the cooler months. To help you manage cold stress we have included a “Feels like” temperature. This can help indicate when animals may need to use more energy to keep themselves warm. This includes the effects of wind but not rain. So if the animals are wet then they are likely to feel the cold even more.
Dust can be a problem any time of year, but for many winter is the worst season. The Dust Risk is a measure of the risk of wind-blown dust from exposed surfaces. Minimising the risk of dust can help reduce the risk of bovine respiratory disease (BRD).
Rain and average wind speed are also included in the report and kept the same as the summer report.
As with the summer report, if you are sending us your weather station data the “yesterday” column is based on your site data, not the forecast.
How do I get the Winter Report?
To receive this report you will need to log into Kite, go to the Settings menu and the Alerts tab and subscribe to the Winter Report. See the example below - and don’t forget to press save.