SCU (Standard Cattle Units)
One Standard Cattle Unit (SCU) is equivalent to an animal with a liveweight of 600 kg. To find SCUs for cattle with different weights, you can use:
SCU = N × f
N = total number of stock on hand (head),
f = scaling factor, according to the following table (based on your cattle population’s current average liveweight):
Average Liveweight (kg) | SCU Scaling Factor |
350 and below | 0.68 |
400 | 0.74 |
450 | 0.81 |
500 | 0.87 |
550 | 0.93 |
600 and above | 1 |
If you cannot reasonably determine your cattle population’s average liveweight, you can use the default SCU scaling factor of 1.
These conversions are defined in the National Beef Cattle Feedlot Environmental Code of Practice (FLIAC 2012).