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Complaints Register

You can record complaints you receive using Kite’s Complaints Register dashboard, to make sure complaints are well-documented and easy to keep track of.

If your organisation is interested in this dashboard, please contact us to discuss adding it to your account.

Complaints Register Features:

A table is displayed showing recorded complaints, with the following fields:

  • Complaint ID - this must be a unique number.

  • Date of Complaint - the date and time of the complaint’s reported impact.

  • Complaint of Type - can be dust, odour, noise, or other.

  • Responsible Person - the name of the person responsible.

  • Notified - whether government authorities were notified.

  • Button to view the complaint.

This dashboard also provides the ability to search past complaints using the search bar in the top right corner. You can search based on any of the fields mentioned above.

Creating a New Complaint

To create a new complaint, first select the + Create Complaint button in the top right corner of the dashboard page. A window should appear as shown below. Fill out the fields (those with a red star are required) and select Create.


Complaint Creation Window

Viewing a Complaint

Once you’ve created a complaint, you can view it by selecting the view icon to the right of it in the complaints table.

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